First post made me think “I wonder what it really is...??” Then I see next post “Thank you internet!”

What you are saying is useless. I didn't imply that every single taxable income in the US is working class. You want to argue with me but you have no substance so you are nit picking something that wasn't even worth mentioning. CEOs income represents maybe a pixel on the chart. A larger section is also incomes that are less that $600 dollars a year up there. Do you think I am implying that is also working class? If this graph was to scale than the CEO salary would be miles away from the other 99.9% of the population.

Is there a point in a conversation where obvious knowledge is assumed? That if I had to explain this detail, absolutely no worthwhile discussion can be had in the first place?

My point is that the VAST majority of Americans are working class. Middle class has nothing to do with being "middle income". There are middle and upper class people do no even earn a taxable income yearly, so they could be in the red part or possibly not even represented on this. Trying to use this chart to show where middle class is makes no sense.

Is there ANYTHING of substance you have to add to that or are you simply going to try to prove that I am wrong about something semantic that is next to irrelevant to the conversation?

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