First Time Stims User, Advice?

Seriously consider what you’re getting into before you take addy. I never took an adderall until I was prescribed in law school. I repeat law school (mild add). 20mg 2x daily off the bat I was given (now down to 10mg 2x daily). Didn’t take them daily first year or two instead would only take a few during the week and then binge study on the weekends 10 plus hours little to no sleep. I drank 2 nights a week heavily to come down. Because I could. Did amazing my first year stuff makes you invincible but no one needs to be able to study 10 hours sessions at a time drink heavily that night and repeat.

I almost got booted from law school because of it. Would binge study then crash and miss class. Or I’d be too stimmed out I didn’t want to socialize just sit in and study. Luckily I graduated and cut down to a smaller dosage. Also told my doctor I was doing this so he checks to make sure I don’t plow through the script in like a week meant for a month. I stopped exercising when I was on that dosage.

Hope anyone reading this just gets a heads up it’s a good drug it helps in small dosages to cure add. But most of us like me if we take a drug that makes us feel like Superman we are going to want to keep doing it, more and more. I lucked out I almost kinda ruined my life (career wise) but not everyone gets that lucky.

/r/Stims Thread