Footage of Illegal Chinese Dog and Cat Farms with Slaughterhouses (x-post /r/vegan)

I actually don't understand why it is so hard to understand for some people. It's no different than the west thinking it's okay to eat pigs while Muslims don't eat pigs at all or the Indians who don't eat cows. Sure Muslims and the Hindus might have a religious motive rather than a degree of intelligence as the reason but it's the same thing.

I find it really frustrating to see the self-righteousness of people who condemn eating dogs and meanwhile they proclaim they love bacon. If the reason for condemnation is the way of how the dogs are farmed or sourced then fair enough, that's a valid point, there is no need to throw them around or even steal from other people (wtf china). However I also want to point out that your home country (assuming any country that has the same level as where I am from, Australia) is only better than China but still not very humane at how pigs are raised. Chickens are probably even worst. And yet I find very little people being outraged by how pigs or even chickens are raised with an out of sight out of mind attitude. However if you are outraged at them eating dogs but at the same time you don't eat factory sourced meat then you have a much more firm moral ground to stand on. I think it would be fair for me to assume that people like this is only a very minority.

And I am speaking this as a veterinary medicine student who LOVES dogs. However I have also seen how pigs are slaughtered and I have done it myself because of my degree and it's crazy to me that the attitude towards pigs is "it's okay la-di-da because it's bacon." I can't even imagine what it is like for pigs in China where they don't even need to hide and be secretive about it.

In my ideal world I would prefer both dogs and pigs to not be eaten. I just hate it when people emotionally and irrationally climb on their moral high horse without any deeper think of the issue at hand and start throwing condemnation others.

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