For those of you who have been sleep deprived enough to hallucinate, what was it like?

Wow, I have a relevant story!

Not super exciting but I was a part of a national team in high school for a particular club focused around business consulting (a couple of these so take your pick). A friend and I devised a fake project where we created all these materials and got a bunch of the freshman to pose in these pictures and videos that allowed us to do an entire presentation about how we made businesses in our local area (both seniors so we were just messing around trying to get to nationals to have fun).

We actually did this all for the state level competition and somehow won so we went to nationals and for this competition, my friends wanted to see if we could pull off a win with an entirely faked project. I didn't really care but he went all out redesigning our booklets, powerpoint, etc. In the end, we had an entirely new, fake project.

Now, I was not taking it seriously at all and the days before we had to get on a plane and actually do this live in front of a judge, I still did not know my part. We practiced a ton but before I knew it, it was the day before the competition. I had already stayed up all night just having fun so when we locked ourselves in a hotel room to really hanker down and study, I was already going about 50+ hours without sleep.

At this point, I started have auditory hallucinations. Friends that weren't in the room sudden were crystal clear. It really freaked me out at first as I kept asking if they were in the room but after a while I realized I was just in desperate need of some sleep.

/r/AskReddit Thread