Ford 'concerned' about third wave of COVID-19, says another Ontario lockdown would be 'absolutely terrible'

We have kept our 3 children home since day one. We have followed all safety standards. I am on disability and my wife did home childcare. We are unable to restart the childcare as I have a heart issue and wife and daughter have asthma. My wife started collecting the crb. We are honest and reported to odsb. Now I receive nothing from disability as they clawback 100%. So we have been trying to live off of $1800 a month, which pays rent exactly. No money for food etc. We are now losing the house we rent because we can’t afford it. There is nothing under $1800 where I am from. We have avoided covid to keep out family safe, it has been so hard, but in the end covid got us anyways. Sucks to be on the bottom and just keep getting kicked.

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