Free Talk Friday

I'm in my hometown 2000km from where I live, to attend a friend's wedding. I've known the kid since kindergarten, and hadn't met in person for ~ 15 years until last year.

Had a great time catching up with other childhood friends, food in both receptions was beyond fabulous. Even if I'm only on leave for 4 working days and this teensy trip is costing me a bomb, no regrets. I'm the only guest who flew from out of state, barring the groom's sister and her family from Germany.

Couldn't really spot very many lookers who were single there, although the groom's sis was ribbing us about it. My mate's new wife told me "chat up her friends" .. I was too busy chatting with the guys .. couldn't really get to that. If there was candy, I'm sure I'd have sniffed something.

That said, it being the first wedding I've been to of a friend, rather than an older sibling of a friend - has me kinda uneasy on how many financial milestones I've yet to achieve before I can consider settling down. Hope everyone had a great week.

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