The Honorable Lord Krishna: A Prophet Of Allah


First, let me say that I believe Islam is not a monolith because it was created with Allah's Overflowing Mercy and Compassion His creation. I need to say this for myself because I am breaking a bad habit of pushing my islam on other people. It is impossible for one person to surrender to Allah swt the same way another person does. All of us are on our journeys with Allah swt.

Again I enjoyed reading what you wrote and look forward to further discussion.

I understand what you are saying about the Islamic concept of God, but Allah swt has revealed Himself through Messengers of other religions and to the hanifs. Islam didn't get the only true concept. Jesus pbuh shared it with those who listened to the Message. Moses, and Noah and many others, known and unknown to us, shared it. Some suggest the Sabians are the descendents of the Yezidi who say their religion began with Adam. I don't think there is any Islamic concept so to speak.

Allah swt is Allah swt. He doesn't appear before Muslims only.

Jesus, pbuh, and his followers knew him. Moses, pbuh, and his followers knew him. It is when the people go astray that the Messenger must come and purify the message.

Remember when We made a covenant with the tribe of Israel: ´Worship none but Allah and be good to your parents and to relatives and orphans and the very poor. And speak good words to people. And establish salat and pay zakat.´ But then you turned away — except a few of you — you turned aside. (2:83)

The Jews were given the same religion the muslims were given. If we all return to the undistorted teachings, we find the same God, the same commands, the same Truth. What is better than the Way of Abraham the Hanif? What is better than the Way of Abraham who was also the muslim (no capital M because the islam with a capital I was not revealed yet. Anyone who followed Abraham's Way was in self-surrender to his Creator).

One who is truly self-surrendered to Allah swt is guided by Allah swt. Allah swt has created ayat for us on this:

Those with iman, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who have iman in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (2:62) (also 5:69)

God guides whom He will to Himself. Islam is a gift to all who find it. But some ideas have been introduced into Islam that deviate from Allah's Unified Message to humanity. And this has been a very dangerous thing.

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