Friendly reminder that Activision just fired over 800 people because they didn't make enough profit.

The thing is, there’s still companies you can support that care about the community, but more importantly, are smart enough to understand and view the long-run. Apex for example has streams of revenue through apex packs and legends. They provide a good game before all else, and rely on people to support the game through cosmetics. They know that profits will come if the game is well taken care of. Treyarch is only looking at the short term. They are seeing that they can trick a minority of people into buying crates and other items despite the poor upkeep of the game, because a new cod game will come out year to year. With this life cycle that cod has, they will continue to cash grab from those that are willing to spend on the short amount of time they have. And these same people will buy the next cod. It’s time to switch over. This title will never change. Eventually cod will die out and they will move on. Their ways are too set, and the 1 year cycle will continue to operate in this fashion.

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