For those who absolutely cannot stand kids, at what age do younger people become tolerable to you and why?

Babies and toddlers i don’t like. Crying, mucus, diapers, are all no’s for me. Once we’re past that and they are capable of cleaning themselves up a little bit, i am fine with well-behaved children for certain amounts of time. Little kids that understand running around and screaming has a time and a place and if it is the inappropriate time and you tell them so they actually stop are fine with me.

Little kids who want to tell you about some thing ridiculous yet fascinating to them and do so politely and nicely and don’t shout and kick and scream are fine with me. unfortunately the majority of kids in my family that I have to deal with or be around our screaming tantrum throwing smelly gross hellions that don’t listen when you ask them to stop screaming in the house or don’t kick the door..... i’m not CF because i don’t like kids, i do like certain stages; I enjoy watching them learn things and becoming their own persons.

/r/childfree Thread