Friends! What's it like dating in the Lesbian, gay and bisexual community as a transhuman?

Don't worry, no offense taken. I lol'd.

To be embraced on a sun-swept mountaintop

Omg yesss, then just shove them off the cliff and hear the sweet song of their screams as they perish to their death.

Well, I'm still a minor so I can't have bottom without special consent here, but generally it's pretty great. People legit crush on me as a female and it's honestly so unexpected. I went into this thinking I'd be some freak, but turns out people are just really great at concealing their fetishes or they're progressive c:

I have encountered weirdos who just want me to perform certain acts on them with them...dressed a certain way (nothing wrong with that, but that's not my thing).

Dating guys is so much easier than girls IMHO because the girls I don't know how to explain it. They treat me like I'm a gay guy basically and they all expect me to be the dominant one in the relationship. It can be complicated because that makes me feel dysphoric. But anyways, I definitely am more attracted to guys and have been since middle school, so perhaps I'm biased.

Advice - state . your . boundaries. People go in not knowing what you want to go or where the line ends, so you'll sometimes end up with people who push too far (or too little) and can come off as insensitive in things, but the reality is they just don't know what makes you uncomfortable or not.

Advice 2 - Don't look to your partner and expect to find validation. They will generally be clueless unless it's another LGBT person who stands in the genderbending category of the rainbow. You'll generally have to do a bit of education with every date.

Last advice - it isn't too different from dating as you did before. Literlaly nothing special about it. Nothing has changed unless you underwent a lot of reflection and personality development from transition.

/r/asktransgender Thread