From Pickup Artist to Pariah -- Jared Rutledge fancied himself a big man of the “manosphere.” But when his online musings about 46 women were exposed, his whole town turned against him.

ok, in case you are honest about this, take away all the emotion and see what he and you are actuality saying:

1A)About immigration: There's no reason for him to want competition(other men) when it comes to dating and sex. He would accept this trade off if the women where hot( hence making it more fair)

And you are saying:
1B) he should put himself ,his happiness jeopardy, he should be happy to work a little harder. Instead of making it fair( more competition from men, but also more women) you basically call him entitled... so the only way for him to "win"is for him to "loose"...

(a point here,I never met a Mexican or even an American women. I am talking about his logic and preferences, i'm not saying his opinions are true)

2A)He is saying: I want to live my life to the fullest,and when I'm ready to settle down I will find a younger wife .He spends years of his life to ( presumably) better himself,build a business and enjoy life. When he wants to settle down of course he goes for the younger wife. It's more advantageous for him, he can enjoy her youth while providing his experience and resources.

2B) again, you are advocating for him to make the worse choice . Instead of going for the young wife instead he should go for the 35 year old one, everything else being equal ( or not, he can choose what he wants in a relationship, maybe being fun full of life is more important to him than a professional/intellectual) you want him to "make a sacrifice and play fair"...

Let's not forget, that this is basically the same advice given to women. Go to college, experiment, and after you are older,23-25 find yourself a good man...

And then, you act like his some sort of monster, I wonder if you read most news stories these days. You act like "They materialized their bitterness and anger and made it consumable for others via podcasts, tweets, and blogs" this is a horrible crime, saying what you fee on the internet...

Your whole post is an example of dismissing the feelings and thoughts of men,making them sacrifice themselves for others instead. You act like what he did was so horrible because they dared to say it aloud ( It wasn't just in their heads.) and because you disagree with them, they should be punished...

You have the power to judge,and now that he is out of line, he has to suffer... A lot more can be said about your post...but this is all I will say (and sorry for the long rant). Still i hope you get something out of it.

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