Fuck the people who brought me into this meaninglessness and suffering

I decided, if I don’t kill myself, it could be at least interesting and admirable to do something which could get you killed: mindfulness, and being honest about existence itself and the real problems inherent to tribalistic consumerism.

With mindfulness you die by letting go of past and future thought, which are delusions that force human cognition into a ‘movie of your life,’ a false narrative where the final act ‘must end in a finale.’ Future isn’t a literal place, nor is the past. Letting these ‘apps of the mind’ die helps but also is a kind of genuine suicide that can help us when we think about our past or future as the ‘reasons’ we should continue or not-continue.

Full blown honesty would probably get us killed, and ‘Office Space,’ ‘Liar-Liar, many more movies are entertaining precisely because we all know the social suicide that would result from honesty in this utterly self-deceived and other-deceiving society... But you’d get a bonus, of no longer living a lie just to survive among people who are obsessively craving for things that have no ultimate purpose.

/r/TimeToGo Thread