"Fuck Work" seen in San Antonio, Texas

70% of families in America have two parents, and here you are trying to make me feel guilty for having two parents? That let me rent out a room in THEIR house? What part of anything I said screams luxury or safety net after working my entire life to pay for my own school? I said every situation is unique, but you are really trying to reach here.

You said: “I make 24 an hour, don’t have kids, and I’m like damn I don’t know how families do it.” Implying that $24 an hour can’t support you, let alone support a family. That is why I argued that you should consider your personal finance education. It’s free for everyone, a big fat $0. It’s as basic as don’t spend more than you make and carry zero bad debt. You can tout this higher than thou attitude and philosophy in which companies should pay their employees more (which they should), but that is not the reality we live in and you have to acknowledge that. So, to counter the world we live in, having an ounce of personal finance education can be the difference in being able to retire or create generational wealth for your kids.

The reason the American economy is so great and these companies make billions and trillions of revenue is because Americans spend so much! America has the largest consumer culture economy in the world. The biggest educational disparity we have is in fact personal finance.

With all of that being said, what is your plan on getting companies to pay their employees more? Genuine question.

/r/sanantonio Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it