"You fucking white male"

I think on my Dad, Mum, Grandparents, uncles and aunties - They grew up in Communist led countries. My Nonno had to fight alongside Axis powers when Mussolini sold Italy out.. The women of my family are some of the strongest people i know 60+ years old and they still don't understand what a 'Holiday' really means.. My Father and his parents suffered through communist Yugoslavia for many years they were poor yet they survived. They all moved or in some cases fled to the 'free world'. There was no 'privilege' they were dirty 'wogs' in a foreign country they didn't know the language to, but there was no time to dwell - It was work or starve, they went on to create a prosperous, loyal and loving families. But they never forget how times used to be, when the world around them was burning.. I am proud of my background and grateful for everything i have and the lessons i was able to learn from my family. The stories they tell and the pictures they paint of a time i never came close to experiencing. When the family get's together they trade these stories and they laugh together, hurt together and think on to the times when life was pure survival. There is no doubt in my mind that what they experienced and went through brought them closer, fostered resilience and helped build alongside the natives of these these great nations the infrastructure and prosperity we enjoy today. I say this because i imagine this kind of history and background would be the same for a lot of first or second euro-generations living in America, Australia, Canada, NZ etc..

I look onto this cuck above, if he knew what it was like to survive against all odds, if he REALLY knew what the Men and Women that were forced into conscription for Hitler had to go through.. The massacres of Croatians, Serbians and Bosnians.. How fucking poor and hopeless it all was - but how strong and resilient a family can become.. He would never open his stupid fucking mouth and mention Hitler or communism again. Imagine a generation where the stories told around the dinner table are no longer stories of strength, hard work and love for family but fucking cucklimped chinese-whispers about 'privilege'.. That's the day the strength of Men black or white dies and we as one human race fails. That's the day we can no longer survive.

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