The fundamental reason why women love RP behaviour but hate TRP

I always found it very simple. Women want men who naturally exhibit the traits that they deem attractive. For them, attraction is completely organic and all about being "swept away" by emotions. The thought of guys actually learning about and intentionally incorporating these allegedly "indescribable" traits makes them feel unwary, like it's artificial, and that they're being "tricked" into attraction. Their egos will never stand for that. That's why most women find the concepts of the RP/PUA communities so repulsive, and why they repeatedly use the word manipulative to describe it.

This is also why you'll constantly hear women dismissively say over and over that they can "always tell when a guy is a PUA" and "that fake shit never works." They want to keep on believing that attraction is this mystical magical thing that cannot be learned or controlled (which, conveniently makes them unaccountable for any stupid shit done in the name of attraction, because it's "uncontrollable"). They'll swear on this basis that any guy who attempts to learn and incorporate what generates attraction will be a hopeless failure at it. It's why they'll instead encourage guys to "just be yourself," despite the fact that we all know that's shit advice. The better advice is to be the best version of yourself, and often times that involves learning from PUA/RP dogma.

Ironically though, I'll usually hear all of that anti-PUA/RP crap from women after I've already slept with them using core PUA/RP methods like amused mastery, agree/amplify, abundance mentality etc.. Whenever the subject comes up though, I'll just nod my head and tell them how right they are, and tell them that PUA/RP crap never works, and attraction is all natural and effortless and can't be learned.

/r/TheRedPill Thread