Gah, waited too long and now I'm scared

It may be in his other book (The Happiest Baby Guide to Sleep). I actually really like that book, you might want to check it out.

Swing weaning wasn't super easy, but I would say naps were the big hold out. The swing would only fit in the living room, so I slept on the couch when he slept in the swing, and I started to reach my breaking point because the couch was uncomfortable. So, at first we would start him in his bassinet, but if he wouldn't settle after his night wakings, I would put him in his swing. When I went back to work, I refused to sleep on the couch ever again because I was in so much pain from it. I put him in his bassinet, and for a few night he would fuss and cry, and my husband and I would take turns rocking him and soothing him and putting him back down. We would just keep soothing him and putting him back down in his bassinet until he would fall asleep. Eventually he would go back to sleep in the bassinet no matter what. For awhile he woke up frequently, and that was hellish. We had better luck when we moved him into his crib, he seemed to sleep better without my husband snoring. Now after 3 months in his own room in his crib, he usually sleeps pretty well. He wakes up 1-2x per night, but I am ok with that for now.

My philosophy is that when I was trying to break a bad habit, I would let anything else that would help me fly. So, pacifiers, rocking, nursing to sleep, etc, anything.

You also might want a mobile or projector for him to look at when he's in his crib. Ia lmost forgot to mention that before we starte dhaving him sleep in his crib, we acclimated him to it by making it a fun place. So we'd put him in it with a pacifier and his mobile going and would sing to him or tickle him and he'd love it. It was important to me that he liked his crib!

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