This game finally broke me

I'm a PL101 PC player playing on EU servers and I play A LOT, I was just casually farming vbucks in plank until the fortnitemares event started and I for some reason started to grind the shit out of this game and I have to say that I don't share the same experiences with what I'm reading in this thread.

While yes, I've seen AFKers even in high Twine but I have NEVER seen a dude AFK in a 4x Twine mission, and there are only three scenarios where I play these missions: 4x survivor repair the shelter, 4x leg perk up on repair the shelter/deliver the bomb and lastly a mixture of epic and legendary perkup on shelter/bomb missions. Even in regular missions I don't see people afk very often, and if there is he usually gets called out immediately.

BUT where I see most AFKers is 100% canny Vbucks missions, I would argue that it's worse on these missions than anywhere else, but maybe it's different on PS4/Xbox or in another region :shrug:.

Kind of offtopic but like two weeks ago there was a vbucks mission on a PL15 1 atlas mission and I do what I and I'm pretty sure 99% of all 60+ PL over mission level players would do: stand on the atlas, occasionally drop turret or TEDDY and semi-AFK to win. One guy called me out in voice chat for "doing nothing, not contributing" and we had a very nice verbal exchange - he was PL 83? or something and he and what I assumed was his friend spawncamped the husks "tryharding" for the combat score I guess and this guy was trying to tell me that I should contribute, I ended up having 3k combat rating while the other two had around 4.5k I think and the fourth guy, a PL30 player had 150 combat score yet I'm getting flamed for not overbuilding and wasting ammo in a fucking PL15 mission?

I feel like some people take that shit way too far, especially if its in a really low PL mission where you simply dont have to do much to get through the mission.

/r/FORTnITE Thread