Has the game industry turned the corner on women and diversity? (interview with Kate Edwards IGDA executive director)

Her discussion comes from the 2014 survey, here is an excerpt from the 2015 survey:

The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) exists to advance the careers and enhance the lives of game developers worldwide. To that end, we are conducting this annual Developer Satisfaction Survey (DSS) to update our knowledge of the current demographic composition of the video game industry, understand general quality of life and gauge developers’ overall satisfaction with the state of the game industry and where it’s going. This work is made possible in part from funding provided by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant held by Marie-Josée Legault and Johanna Weststar. The IGDA gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following partners in the development and translation of this survey: Western University

Do you feel there is equal treatment and opportunity for all in the game industry? " ()Yes| ()No| ()Not Sure

Have you perceived inequity towards YOURSELF on the basis of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, or sexual orientation in any of the following areas in the past 2 years? (Check all that apply)
[] Recruitment | []Hiring Process | []Promotion | []Monetary/Salary/Bonuses | [] Disciplines/Roles | [] Social/interpersonal | [] Microaggression (verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities)| [] Work Load | []Working Conditions | [] Other (Please explain) | []None of the above

Have you observed/witnessed/perceived inequity towards OTHERS on the basis of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, or sexual persuasion in any of the following areas? (Check all that apply)"
[] Recruitment | []Hiring Process | []Promotion | []Monetary/Salary/Bonuses | [] Disciplines/Roles | [] Social/interpersonal | [] Microaggression (verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities)| [] Work Load | []Working Conditions | [] Other (Please explain) | []None of the above

In general, how important would you rate the following? Diversity in the workplace? Diversity in the game industry? Diversity in game content?
()Not at all important| ()Not important| ()Neutral| ()Somewhat important| ()Very important

Which of the following should the industry focus on the most to ensure future growth/success of the industry? (Choose UP TO 3 options)
[] Advancement of storytelling in games | [] Advancement of game design | [] Better discovery of games | [] Better monetization of games | []More diversity in game content | [] More funding in game development

What factors, either actual or perceived, do you feel create a negative perception of the game industry? (Check all that apply.)
[] Link to violence |[] Link to obesity or lack of physical activity |[] Sexism in the workforce |[] Sexism in games themselves |[] Sexism among gamers |[] Working conditions (crunch time, etc.) |[] Lack of overall diversity |[] Racism in the workforce |[] Racism in games themselves |[] Racism among gamers |[] Other (please specify) |[] I don’t think there is a negative perception of the game industry

In your opinion, what major factors define being an ‘indie’ or ‘independent developer’ (Check all that apply)
[] Creation and control over own IP| [] Self-funded| [] Not funded by publishers| [] Not funded by venture capital or other investors| [] Smaller size/scope of games made| [] Use of crowdsourcing| [] Innovation in games made| [] Spirit of counter-culture in games made / indie “aesthetic”| [] Game genre| [] Start-up culture| [] Having an unestablished brand| [] Self-publishing | [] Alternative game play and content | [] Games are not intended for commercial sale | [] Other (please specify)

How do you identify your gender?
() Male| ()Female| ()Male to female transgender| ()Female to male transgender| () Other (Please specify) | () Decline to answer

Which of the categories below best describes your sexual orientation?
() Heterosexual| () Homosexual| () Bisexual| () Other (Please specify)| () Decline to answer

Are you open about your sexual orientation in the workplace or in professional contexts?
() No | () Yes | () Decline to answer

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