The game is so much fun the 9 hours beta felt like 3 hours only

Yeah I loved my time playing the Beta. I was considering canceling my preorder initially due to all the bad press & gameplay videos that came out before, but being a die-hard fallout fan I knew I wanted to experience it for myself firsthand before making that choice.

I'm really glad I did, but I do feel there are a few things that are standard for PC gaming that need to be implemented before launch.

  • Push to Talk Toggle:, I'm sure everyone can agree with this sentiment. I had to unplug my mic while playing because I've been coming off of being sick & didn't want to cough in everyone's ears.

  • FOV Slider: I dunno about anyone else but the low FOV was making me sick & feel claustrophobic indoors & other tight spaces.

/r/fo76 Thread