The Gathering Storm of Protest Against Trump

As of now, much of the fear coming out of the Left is mostly a result of the uncertainty surrounding the next President's goals. As the current President has noted, the President-Elect is not an ideologue. We can't quite "read" this incoming President; fitting him into a nice compartmentalized ideological shoe box. We have only his rhetoric and cabinet choices to go by at this point.

Maybe this is a good thing? I don't know. I have never lived through a non-ideological Presidency. Every President from Reagan on has been an ideologue. Trump's strange to me.

Anyway, if the current fear is substantiated, and a President Trump tries to undermine our core values as a country at home and abroad. I can guarantee you that there will be a "storm" in this country unlike anything we've seen before. The Millennials are just waiting for a reason to mobilize, and they will mobilize in numbers we haven't seen since the baby boomers in the 1960's.

As a Gen-Xer, I'm sitting in between two of the largest generations in this country, and the tensions are real and they are about to clash.

The clouds are rolling in...

/r/inthenews Thread Link -