Gay memory lane... lol, just saw it on FB.

I wore boys clothes almost exclusively like 4th grade through 8th grade. And then I hit high school and decided to force myself to be more feminine; it didn't really even register as anything to do with my identity or trying to hide anything- my thought process was "wearing boy's clothes is weird. you've been the weird kid since kindergarten, you're not going to be weird in high school. time to dress like a girl." I was headed to a magnet high school where only two other kids from my middle school were going, so it was a good time to reinvent myself and become "normal." And even then, my attempts at dressing more feminine were still kinda gay, just, like, lowkey gay.

When I was in high school I had this rule when I was getting dressed that I could only wear one article of boy's clothing (I wouldn't learn about the old "three articles of women's clothing rule" until college, and when I first heard about it I was like "oh my god I basically did that to myself") and always had to have on a "real bra"; only recently have I started wearing sports bras outside of the house again (4th-8th grades I never wore anything but sports bras).

And then I hit college and was like "holy shit gender is a social construct I can wear whatever the fuck I want also I like girls" So yeah now I dress more masculine like maybe 80% of the time and am starting to think that maybe I'm genderfluid. And it's so funny to think that I literally basically presented as male (got called "young man" all the damn time) for 5 years and it never occurred to me that I might not be straight? lmao.

Also, I'm not attracted solely to women, but mainly to femininity/androgyny. So I'm basically attracted to people who aren't very masculine, and I have a friend who is the same way, and she offhandedly mentioned recently "oh yeah, every boy I've ever liked ended up being gay" and then I was like HOLY SHIT because the exact same thing happened to me in middle/high school- almost every guy I had a crush on was like, very gay and not very masculine. So that should have been some sort of hint.

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