Gay Republicans?

To those that are Republic because they want smaller government and wiser spending, you do realize the Republican party in the US has a terrible track record with actually enacting successful legislation on either of those fronts? If someone else were to categorize you, I'm guessing you'd probably fall into the libertarian camp. The Republican party talks about making government smaller, but everything I've seen seems to speak to the contrary, our military is larger than the next few countries combined, and all they talk about is expanding that. Combine that with the constant legislation in retaliation for Obergefell, because you know, sodomy, and it really doesn't look like they're interested in shrinking anything of any real consequence.

Wasteful spending on a wall that certainly won't keep people out like they're hoping, most illegal immigration is a result of expired visas, not border control. Their other financial aspirations are far from realistic, both Cruz and Trump's tax plans were reviewed by conservative tax groups and found that even if you cut our entire military spending budget they'd still put us in the red. Look at a map of red states, narrow that down to States that have enacted tax policies that supposedly "support job growth" by giving tax breaks to their corporate lobbyists. Compare that to a map of unemployment rates, a map of states that receive more federal funding than they pay in taxes, States with the highest welfare usage, States with the lowest education rankings, States with the highest teen pregnancy rates, and states with the highest LGBT suicides and LGBT homelessness, and I think you'll find a common theme...

I'm not bashing any of you, I just genuinely wonder why some people are willing to ignore so many faults and deficiencies in the party they align themselves to on the basis of supporting a few political issues that the party has no real success with? It's the same party that overwhelmingly prides itself on ignorance and actively works against many of your best interests in the name of religion.

By no means do I think democrats are that much better in terms of spending, and I can't stand the SJW's demanding "safe spaces," but at the very least Democrats have supported you and your rights.

/r/askgaybros Thread