Getting Engaged

Wow didn't expect answers so soon.
As far as education goes, I have always had a drive to do more academically (hence, why I am an MBA getting his CFA). This was encouraged by my parents at a young age. (My mother is very intelligent but had a really hard situation with money which led to her dropping out of college)

I really enjoy the field I am in. I work in PE (Private Equity) for commercial real estate. It is a great line of work if you can get it. I worked for a family office (a family with a lot of money that needs help investing) and we split off to start an investment firm with their money being the majority investor. There is only 3 of us and we are all very smart financial professionals so instead of having an investment plan he (my boss) passes it directly to us figuring we will have the foresight to invest for the future.

You are 19. The best thing you can possibly do is invest in your future (aka go to school)!!! I cannot express this more. I don't have numbers in front of me but education will trump nearly any investment. Trust yourself, work your ass off, and get a great job. That is how you maximize your savings (by maximizing your potential). (if that isn't the answer you are looking for ask again and I will give you a more complete answer).

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