Getting Over Burnout?

I got burned out by Titan HM back at i70 or whatever it was. Took at least 2 months. Duty Finder had no success. I eventually joined a FC just to get the clear, but I did earn it and it was the sweetest clear ever. Plus that Zenith weapon was totally slammin. The game was fun again. I had friends, we were in Teamspeak every day. Then people started acting like selfish children and raid groups fell apart and people left the server, and I was stuck at T4, the DPS check at the time, in their aptly named raid group 2 (which was raid 1's farm group). Burnt out again, ready to server transfer thinking my server was the incurable problem, and I found a PF group looking for my role. They were super nice and taught me the ropes in T5, and I earned that clear. And it was so sweet, heading into Second Coil with a group of talented and nice people. We cleared T6 and things were going great, but then half of them left for another MMO. Dumps, starting to think about xfer again because there's still no FC options that strike me as warrantworthy, and I somehow found another group in PF looking for my role. This group was on T5 so I got to come in as the vet and show them the ropes, and we embarked on our journey to the next wall. 3 months of T9. It was brutal. So many people came and went, but my raid leader and a couple others were determiend. When we finally got it, boy it was sweet. But not as sweet as some of the others. The price was too high. Too much of my life had passed me by. I began to hate this game for stealing me away while my loved ones passed. But the final coil was there to be had and we were capable of getting a clear so I stuck with it. Eventually we got to T13, the final wall, and after about 2 months of it I though to myself, Heavensward isn't that far off. Everything I'm doing right now will become obsolete. Why am I doing this? So I beat T13, yay I'm so cool. Now I can try to farm for a better weapon, for what, to beat T13? No, so when Heavensward comes out you I can have the best obsolete weapon. I had to quit. This game took too much of me, for what? For nothing. I didn't even enjoy it anymore. So I left for a year, and lo and behold I'm back! Just a casual commoner tending my garden and playing with markets, trying to gear up again so I can do more content. The break hasn't done much for my spirits about the game. The only reason I let myself play is because I'm not raiding and I maintain the illusion of being able to walk away, yet I still strive toward that end because if I'm not going to clear content then why even play? Why indeed. Because I'm looking for something, but it isn't here.

/r/ffxiv Thread