Gf admitted to sleeping with another while we were briefly broken up, unsure what to do

Thanks for your response, I appreciate that you took the time to read through and support your points with what I posted.

Regarding relationship game, this was never an attempt to build attraction. That's always been there. The goal was to build comfort.

Regarding trickle truth, if anything else comes out the decision is easy. I wrote the qualifiers because the only thing I know to be true is my account of events.

Anyway, your desire for a LTR seems to be less related to her and her "great" attributes and more related to your desire for "easily" available sex, emotional comfort, and having that side of your life settled. But as you see, it's not so easy and not so settled. You still have to be attractive to her and other women, and lead the relationship.

Very fair. Part of what made me happy was that I thought this part of my life was more or less "handled" and that I could focus more mental energy into more meaningful tasks like starting another business. Having written that sentence, I suppose I'm not well-suited to a LTR if that's how I think? I think a lot in terms of efficiency and maximizing satisfaction, and from experience what I had was better on both counts than my time as a single guy.

To reiterate though, part of the reason I thought things were "handled" is because attraction was always top-notch. Sex was always plentiful, and we did everything I could think of.

But yes it probably gave her the upper hand as a result. There's definitely a difference between being able to get sex and being able to hold court in a LTR. And I suppose it doesn't come as much of a surprise that this happened, I came from more of a PUA background and only part way through the relationship learned of TRP.

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