Ghostcrawler: "I’ve had weird phone calls in the middle of the night. I’ve had death threats. I’ve had Blizzard security offer to monitor my house."

The league case was a bit different.

Ghostcrawler said on social media that they will be looking in to a role that has been in a really bad spot (marksman/adc) and suspected that the problem was because of assasins (which generally one shot marksman players) byt didn't have data on it so he wasn't sure.

That's when the league community realized that the balance design is on hands of a man who obviously doesn't play enough to know that the problem of the marksman role wasn't assasins but tanks in the game.

You could build 1 tank item to become beefy on some champions and then just steamroll over a poor marksman because they wouldn't do any damage to you while the tank would hit as hard as assasin would.

For wowlike situation:

Prot paladins & Prot warriors would be the best dps class because they would out duel, out damage and outsustain dedicated dps classes that are ment to deal high damagen, like a hunter. Obviously this isn't healthy for a competitive game where CC obtaining tanks burst down a dedicated dps from the middle of 4 other teammates while staying relatively healthy.

Ghostcrawler deserver the shit he got from it since he shouldve studied his homework before posting

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