Gifted INTPs

I was in the top of my classes till I hit puberty. I scored higher than 99% of the students in my state on the standardized tests in middle school but so did 6 or 8 other kids in my grade at the time(this was in the 80s). I was a B and C student in high school, intentionally took the easy classes and did most of my studying between classes. I got decent test scores but wasn't great with turning in homework at all or larger assignments on time. I also got detention a lot for sleeping in school. I took the ASVAB test to get out classes in 1990 and scored a 93 on that then got harassed by recruiters till I was around 22. I went to Vo-Tech for Electronics because I hated my high school. I went to community college but didn't stay with it but when I was there I tested ahead of people from my high school who were in the gifted program so I was taking normal accredited classes and many of them were taking remedial math and english courses, it turned out there was a huge amount of cheating in the gifted classes and the teachers looked the other way because of funding. I'm pretty much a loser now. I can learn to do almost anything but refuse or can't play the work politics games required to get ahead and I under value myself and abilities but have disdain for people who aren't better than me at things, especially people in positions of authority. I don't respect titles and that hurts me at work. I generally last a little over two years in a job if I feel micromanaged and about 4 years if I'm left mostly alone. 25 years ago I scored 127 on an IQ test. 5 years ago I scored 103. I get bored and lose interest in things pretty quickly. Not gifted just lucky on tests I think.

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