Girlfriend having panic

Obligatory, "I'm a guy." I just saw this browsing /r/all.

I've dealt with anxiety and panic disorder for most of my life, so has my father and sister and mother and grandfather. I really kind of lost the genetic lottery on that one. But anyway, it definitely sounds like anxiety - I don't mean to split hairs but panic attacks and disorder are a completely different, absolutely terrifying ballgame. That's not to say anxiety attacks aren't miserable.

While she's having an attack, there's not a whole lot you can do to immediately remedy it. Just being there for her is huge, though. Do what ever you can to comfort her; rub her back, cuddle with her, make her tea, talk if she wants to talk, etc.

That being said, it maybe prudent to try and address them when she's not having one. I found, personally, that my anxiety is directly related to stress and the ensuing maladaptive and avoidance behavior. That is to say, I've avoided stressful situation for so long that when I inevitably get thrust into one, I lack the proper coping mechanisms to emotionally and psychology adjust. For my particular case, it is a learned behavior. I may have a genetic predisposition for it, but it is caused and precipitated by me never having properly developed a way to cope with certain stressors. The silver lining is that it can be unlearned.

So, after the overly analytical spiel, where does that leave you? To that I would say, try to learn what's causing her so much stress that she becomes overwhelmed, and do your best to help her with it. You can't solve it for her, nor should you, or constantly try to give her "solutions." I would take the path of support, understanding, and encouragement. Try to reinforce in her confidence and surety in overcoming difficult situations, that she's capable and able to surmount these obstacles.

In conclusion, this is by no means professional advice. My analysis could be completely off base. You said she was on medication, and that's good. I would, though, wholeheartedly suggest she find a therapist that understands and has experience treating anxiety disorders. I only think it would benefit her.

All the best.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread