[Giveaway] 3 Steam copies of Fallout 4

Thanks for the giveaway OP! This is a really nice thing for you to do!

Most people here seem to be choosing to hide away in their cosy bunkers whilst waiting for the danger to pass and while that's all fine if you're happy crawling out of your bunker 200 years later and eating rats and radioactive insect meat, I have a better plan.

As soon as the warning sirens sound, I would immediately begin running towards wherever the bomb is about to land and wait there to show the nuke what I've got. Jumping up into the air, I'd smash the bomb with one kickass punch and force the explosion back up into the air. I'd then continue to fight each and every missile as they near impact because fuck them! This is MY country. Fuck radiation too! Cause I'm a MAN! and i don't need some nuclear warhead to show me who's boss. I'd use large bits of metal from the explosions to bat the nukes right back into the sky where they came from.

After I'd finished being total badass I'd go back into town and start looking for people who didn't make it to the bunkers in time. These people would worship me as their new leader as a way to repay me from saving their asses from nuclear doom. I'd start getting my followers to collect supplies (especially food) that the bunker dwellers left behind. I'd build a kickass citadel in the city with all of the spare resources and live like a king. Once set up, I'd send my people out to look for scientists who survived the explosions.

After I've found scientists I'd set them on figuring out how to extend my life so that I could wait 200 years for the vault bitches to come crawling out of their bunkers so that I could show them who the true king of the apocalypse is.

Or I'd just spend the entire time in my basement too busy watching netflix to even realise that there's a nuclear war going on...

Again, thanks for the giveaway OP! Congrats to everybody who wins!

/r/pcmasterrace Thread