God damn Anna drives me nuts

I am sure an opposite rhetoric could be used against someone who does not have faith

It doesn't, though. That's the foundation of modern technology and scientific theory: concluding something via tangible evidence.

It also contains context on how to love each other with the power of forgiveness.

Cool. You know Hitler was also a vegetarian? He promoted vegetarianism. That doesn't mean I'm going to listen to him on being a vegetarian or why it's important. That's absurd.

The issue I have with her faith isn't so much that she has faith. That's fine, and encouraged in a lot of cases. Faith is important to humanity. Her having faith in the very thing that hates her, her being a homosexual woman as an authority figure, is the absurd thing. The very teachings of the Bible itself, hermeneutically in the Greek and Hebrew context, are completely opposite to her moral beliefs and lifestyle. I'm 100% for her being a woman leader and being in a same-sex relationship. Go for it. The Bible is historically discriminatory to these people groups to the point of death. You cannot justify slavery or hatred that is in the Bible with the good teachings, because there are very very very few good teachings in the Bible. Outside of, don't steal, do unto others as you would have done to yourself. That's about it. Those are also teachings borrowed from Hamurrabi's Code. It's just a moot point. She's insufferable for her piety, but not because of her faith. There is a difference and it's silly of you to strawman the argument to say that's what I meant. You know very well I have criticisms of her that aren't applied to all religious people.

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