Dating multiple people?

I am a very monogamous person and don’t feel comfortable dating multiple people. I’d riced it was ok in this case since if it was very early as long as I was honest. Cause i found myself dating the wrong people because I just kept dating them after date 1 because they were still interested even if I later found myself no longer interested. I personally had two dates in a span of 3 days. Guy 1 was a second date with someone I wasn’t sure about. Guy 2 was with a new person. This made me super uncomfortable but I decided to try it cause of my bad history and it was early. I’m glad I did.

On the date with guy 1 he kept trying to kiss me and I was uncomfortable with it. Over all I had decided part way through the date he wasn’t for me and this attempt at kissing and hugging causing discomfort just confirmed it. I haven’t spoken to him since. I didn’t reach out because I wasn’t interested and I assume he sensed my discomfort and realized it wouldn’t work.

After my date with guy 2 I fell hard and we haven’t stopped talking and are now exclusive. He knows about the date with guy 1 and also that I hadn’t seen anyone else since our first date.

So basically. Same as a commenter before. I’m glad I arranged a date with guy 2 cause guy 1 wasn’t right for me. If I hadn’t because I already had a date I wouldn’t have met a lovely guy.

/r/dating_advice Thread