Good driver for 24v

You're referring to this instructable, right?

Note that the instructable has the jumper settings completely wrong. In order to get 1/16 stepping on the RAMPs board, you need to put all jumpers in, not take all jumpers out. The author even acknowledges the mistake in the comments, but hasn't fixed the instructable. I don't think the instructable is a reliable source of information.

Every source I've seen says to leave the three config pins unconnected to the controller board. Then to put the SilentStepStick into spreadCycle mode with 1/16 to 1/256 microstepping interpolation, you wire CFG1 to ground.

Here is Thomas Sanladerer recommending not to connect the config pins to the controller board. Later in the video here, he says that to put the SilentStepStick into spreadCycle mode with 1/16 to 1/256 microstepping interpolation, you just wire the CFG1 pin to ground and leave the other pins open.

The same information is on the RepRap wiki here. The same information is also on page 8 of the TMC2100 datasheet here.

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