Google searches for “how to commit suicide” increased 26% following the release of "13 Reasons Why", a Netflix series about a girl who commits suicide.

I would like to note that after watching the show and discovering the responses people were having, I wanted to know just how easy it was for people to find information on how to commit suicide. I typed into Google 'how to commit suicide' and holy hell, the results that came up were intense. I had no intention of going through with any of it, I just wanted to know how easy it was for ANYONE to access that information and what would actually appear after it. It's important to realise that people have had access to this information on the internet before this show and book, that this has been sitting here the whole tune for anyone who decides to search for it. I'm not saying that all searches with those phrases or combination of words are as innocent as mine, I'm saying 13 Reasons Why made me research suicide and encouraged me to educate myself and made me more alert. Isn't that what it's meant to do? Make us want to do everything we can from stopping more people feeling trapped with only one way out like Hannah?

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