Goon 24 Rdta clone

Just wanted to share my thoughts on the Goon 24 Rdta clone.

I picked up this atty earlier this evening. I've always wanted to see what the hype behind the goon was. However I'm not into RDA's I can't stand the hassle on constantly dripping. So for the last 2 or so months I've been enjoying the Rdta world with a combo.

I found this atty on a Facebook group. The seller was asking $35 for it and took my offer of $20. It is brand new and never has been used.

I've never been great at working with the clamp style decks, I prefer the 2 post velocity style decks. I find the deck smaller to work with than the combo build deck. To be honest I still find this deck to be a pain in the ass. Once you get your coils set it's pretty much the same as any other Rdta. It's simple to wick. Air flow seems to be plenty full coming from the 6 holes on the side (3 on each side). I am currently running dual tank track coils ohming out at .20. I'm vaping them at 110 watts with a preheat of 130watts for .5 seconds.

So far the tank is producing great flavour but the whistle is kind of annoying. For the $20 bucks I spent on the atty I am happy with it. Maybe I'm just cheap but I don't think I could justify the $100 plus that this atty would command if it were authentic.

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