Got caught having sex by parents. Scared and don't know what to do.

When I was 13 (13!!) my then-boyfriend's mom drove to my house to show my mom a video of her 15 year old son and I having anal sex in my bed when I snuck him into my house at 1 am. My mom was horrified, beyond angry, and above all, extremely disappointed in me. I wanted to die in that moment. I hid in my room until she called for me maybe an hour later.

We talked it out. It was very awkward and painful. We had a strained relationship for a few weeks.

However, those awkward weeks passed and, wouldn't you know it, unconditional love is a real thing.

My point is your parents are GOING to be mad, they're going to scream and yell, and demand that you stop seeing each other, or stop meeting, etc etc. But your parents both love you and are only freaking their shit because they're afraid of their little baby prematurely ruining their life or something.

You're going to have to demonstrate to them that you're not a baby anymore, that you two ARE mature enough to still see each other, ARE mature enough to live together, AND are mature enough to have sex.

I know I'm overusing this header text font thing, but...

The absolute, number one, most important thing to do is to REMAIN. CALM, and to NOT EVER become VISIBLY ANGRY.

Do NOT scream. Do NOT raise your voice. Do NOT challenge them just yet. Just listen to their lecture. Ask why they're worried. Never get angry. Stay calm and collected. Even if it's obvious that you're scared and that you're shaking, just use your calm voice. Never get angry. Saying stuff like, "You're such a bitch!" or, "I can't LIVE without him!" or, "That's not fair!" just SHOWS that you're still too immature, and that they were right all along.

Let them vent. Ask them why they think that thing. Let them vent some more. Try to think of this through their perspective, and think of how to build your case.

Breathe. Now state your case.

Mention that they were the ones to buy you condoms even when you weren't active. Don't suggest that they were advocating for you having sex. Do, ONLY if they ask, mention that you WERE using protection and being safe. Mention that you KNOW the risks of sex.

Mention that you guys have been steady (assuming you've been steady) for two years now. Don't act like you're already all mature and grown. Do mention that (assuming they're already okay with this) they've already given you the okay to move in with this guy, or at least mention that you are planning to LIVE with this guy.

Mention that you are 18 now. DON'T tell them you're basically a fully grown adult. DO tell them that you KNOW you're not exactly a fully grown adult, but stress the fact that you're not a child anymore.

If they cut you off, let them talk, but if they KEEP cutting you off, you might have to sternly ask that they be quiet and listen to you. Let them know you have things to say and that you need them to hear it, please.

Most importantly of all though, just keep in mind that YOU know what works best with YOUR parents. If you KNOW something here won't work with your situation, tweak it to fit your needs. Just remember:


You're going to be moving out soon, so if you guys REALLY have to have sex, try doing it somewhere else for the time being, at least until the drama calms down a bit.

As a final note, just remember:

Your parents have unconditional love for you. They only want what's best for you. They are reasonable in feeling upset and hurt. Their feelings are valid. But they'll always love you.

I hope this helped ;v;

/r/relationships Thread