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Got confused what sub I was on thanks to this shitpost

Got confused what sub I was on thanks to this shitpost

Can't you just go few hours without touching each other? Plus sitting on opposite sides is more romantic.

As someone who sits on the same side of the booth with his girlfriend... no and no. We like intimacy. What's it to you?

I have no room for people in my life who are going to be judgmental and/or jealous of us. I would never go back to this restaurant and would leave a one-star review and two-cents tip just the same. I've NEVER been treated this terribly by a server, and I do hope she was terminated over this.

I do find it believable that a 22 y/o would have been working as a server for three years to pay for college, but this one acts like a 16 y/o bully, and I'm quite shocked that nobody's drawn attention to this rudeness before. Either it's a 16 y/o "I'm, like, so totally popular" wannabe OR it's someone here trolling the shit out of AITA in brilliant fashion. I can't decide.

/r/AmITheAngel Thread Link -