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AITA for k¡ll¡ng the elf on the shelf?

AITA for k¡ll¡ng the elf on the shelf?

AITA for k!lling our dog?

The title sounds a bit weird but here me out

Few days ago I was getting up for work when my wife told me to feed the dog. Since my daughter and son don't play with the dog anymore there is no point having it. I got string and tied it around the dog's neck and hung it in the dining room from the light. With a note saying "Goodbye cruel world!" Didn't think it would matter but apparently to my wife it did matter.

According to my wife it was very distasteful to do that even tho my kids found it hilarious. I get why she’s mad but there is no point of doing it anymore if none of the kids play with the dog. So aita?

/r/AmITheAngel Thread Link -