I got a good chuckle out of this.

This comic really bugs me...

Superman is my favourite superhero, for very many reasons, especially the hope that he inspires in people. He has inspired me continuously to be my best, and to always be a helping hand.

My problems with this comic begin with, the original means a lot to me on a personal level. They felt very real to me, having been in that situation. I've attempted suicide twice in my life, and its not a topic to be taken lightly. The original panels took this issue very seriously, and appropriately. Both attempts were unsuccessful, and what stopped imy second attempt from being successful was Superman. Looking at his shield, I broke down, and cried, and I couldn't go through with it. To me, Superman saved my life, truly. Superman's message of hope and perseverance has stayed with me to this day, after all these years.

Now, with the Snyder half of this comic, I feel it is both inaccurate and upsetting. Superman, in the Snyderverse, is not that. In Man Of Steel and BvS, we saw that what he wants to do is help everyone, and that he is a source of hope. In the Day of the Dead factory scene in BvS, what did we see? Superman bursting in through a wall nonchalantly, and hurting the innocent girl? No, from what we saw, he was gently flying here over to the crowd, and set her down, with a smile on his face, to convey his overwhelming sense of hope and perseverance. This comic decides to ignore that and treat Superman how so many of the Anti-Superman people view him.

This is just why this comic upsets me, not trying to upset or offend anyone, but I felt that I should at least let people know, if they care to check.

/r/DC_Cinematic Thread Link - imgur.com