The Government should do something about population growth!

This is the elephant in the room nobody talks about.

When I was in 3rd grade … Ethiopia had a population of 60 million

In 2020 … it hit 120 million.

So in just 22 years we literally created another country due to not knowing how to address this simple issue.

Most problems can be tied to unchecked population growth.

Rural to urban migraton Unemployment Ethnic Tensions Environmental degradation (dozens of rivers that used to be proper rivers literally dried up within 2 decades)

All downstream of uncontrolled population growth.

Yet government officials congregate tryina inaugurate a "Tena Tabia" and start clapping like that makes a difference.

TFR in Ethiopia is like 4.6

Means the population should double about every 25 years.

Get ready for 240 million Ethiopia of filth. Whole country will look like a Bombay slum but worse.

/r/Ethiopia Thread