The graphical detail in Star Citizen is absolutely stunning

What I don't see is any concrete descriptions of the game play and whether it is interesting and well balanced. What I've seen doesn't rise above the level of generic shooter with nice graphics. Is the crafting any good? Does the game support deeper tactical and strategic options or is it just another free for all with semi-organized clan type behavior. How's the space combat? Is it just planes in space or is it real space combat with realistic momentum physics? When will it come out?

All of your questions are questions that can be answered by googling for 2 minutes, or are questions that cannot be answered yet (with the details that have been released/communicated so far).

I asked a bunch of questions that would invite any reasonable person to post links to show me that the gameplay is good, that the crafting has promise, that there are strategic and tactical structures in the game, space combat videos that show off the physics. Anything. And the response? Downvote. Bravo dude

I'd also downvote you. If you'd seriously be interested, you can find literally hundreds of videos of current gameplay, which you yourself would need to browse to determine whether or not it's the kind of thing you enjoy.

We don't exist to do your searching work for you, and we can't watch the video's and choose for you whether or not you'd like it.

And anyone has the right to downvote you if they feel you're being unnecessarily aggressive.

The way you worded things makes you sound like an asshole. If you want a real answer, change your wording and ask nicely for information in /r/starcitizen - I'm certain they'll gladly help you out.

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