Saudi officials were 'supporting' 9/11 hijackers, commission member says

That's a really poor, dismissive attitude. I know Reddit comments are supposed to be funny (who knows? Maybe someone will even give you useless gold!), but seeing as it is the top comment when I click this link, I need to say this:

The average person does not know about Saudi involvement in 9/11. If the public had been widely aware of that around 2002 - as widely aware as, oh say, the fact that Iraq was going to attack us with nuclear weapons (!), just think of the difference it may have made to the lives of millions of displaced/injured/killed people in the middle east. Hard to imagine huh? Imagine your wedding was bombed by drones. You saw your bride, her cousins, their babies killed and maimed, bloody guests crawling around in the dust and shrapnel looking for survivors, when all they had hoped for was an open bar on a sunny afternoon and maybe hooking up with a bridesmaid. Who do write a strongly-worded letter to? What's the 1-800 number where you can call to file your complaint? Oh there isn't one? Nobody gives a shit? Everybody is too busy following the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City? Too busy having a pint watching the Indianapolis 500? Or maybe tonight is the finale of Dancing With The Stars? The people bombing you and destroying your life might not hear your voice, but they can be called back by their superiors because of an informed populace on the other side of the world, who are constantly being lied to by their government and intelligence officials. Those same officials were aware of this information. So if you think that this is old news, and it's not worth mentioning because it's painfully obvious to you, think again.

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