Gravitation Lance is so sexy, why is it a garbage Exotic Bungie?

the whole archetype has problems in design. the math is done poorly here. the relationship between damage and how fast it fires(shooting pattern represented by RPM). so whether in pvp or pve, the 360 RPM or 320 RPM pulse rifles cannot compete with 540 RPM oor 450 RPM archetypes. they kill more easily,consistently and faster in pvp and higher dps for most scenarios in pve.

and btw, here's something you may find interesting. I saw the gameplay footage of the 320 Pulse rifle archetype close to beta(it wasn't available in the beta) I tried to warn people that a trash archetype is possibly due.nobody cared or took me seriously.maybe if the post had got more attention, bungie would've noticed some things would've changed. or not. look what we got now.

Here's the post.

I, a regular person with no developer tools, just a 1-minute-long gameplay footage of a youtube video and a media player, analyzed the gun's performance in a matter of minutes. it turned out exactly as I predicted and nothing changed. and yet Bungie, a billion dollar studio with so much money, time,experience and resources failed. I don't know what to say

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread