The Great Feast of Prince Robert's Name Day - 370 AC (Open)

Bennarion listened as Evelynn told a story completely reversed from the actual events. What was she playing at? Was she trying to prevent him from looking the fool? Perhaps she'd sensed how he'd clammed up to Lady Hewett, and interpreted that as him having only a casual interest in her.

To the Hells with the consequences, then, he thought. Let it not be said Bennarion Tyrell lied for his own convenience.

"Evelynn is too kind," he said, interjecting. "It was I who fell over like a fool. Lost my footing, you see. She came to see if I was well."

His gaze then turned to Evelynn. He felt his fear revive in that moment, but he knew he could not let her leave like this. Not without telling her the truth.

"I told you I am a man who cares little for the opinions of others, and yet now I hide, afraid of what one of the noble ladies of my kingdom thinks of me. I spoke falsely -- not intentionally, but still. Please, forgive me. Let me speak truthfully now. You inspire me, Evelynn. I look forward to each chance to see you again, to hear your voice and speak with you. And I am terrified every time, for I fear what you will think of me. I think you are beautiful. I admire your passion, your idomitable sense of optimism, your courage to take risks. I...I know we are not well acquainted. I know you must think me mad for saying these things. But my affection for you is real."

He took a shaky breath. He had done it, and in front of a witness no less. He hoped it would be enough to convey the truth of his words to her. He gazed at her, feeling more exposed than he would have had he been naked. But he had spoken his thoughts, and it was astonishingly freeing.

"I wanted to tell you before. That was why I approached tonight. fear got the better of me. That's where you found me."

He looked at her for a moment that felt like eternity. It was Lady Hewett's request that drew him back to reality.

"Ah...yes, Lady Hewett," I will gladly see your husband. The leal lords of the Reach will always have my ear."

He turned to greet the man as he approached, but not before giving a quick glance at the two ladies as they took their own path.

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