The greatest trick SJW's pulled off was convincing themselves that they're not fascists.

It's actually a really fitting comparison to nazi Germany, minus the genocide so far.

Hitler took a nation that had been treated unfairly, that was in an economic freefall, that was bitter, and directed all their hate to a Jewish Shadow Empire. This shadow empire could not be seen or touched by anyone, but because Jews occupied the top few economic spots for justifiable historical reasons, the notion of the shadow empire made just enough sense to be a believable scapegoat. This Jewish Shadow Empire was made to seem oppressive, and controlled the establishment and history, even though they were actually reviled in the establishment and history. They were a large minority that was treated as a privileged class by their enenies, when in reality they were treated unfairly and this "privilege" was due mostly to wiser career choices.

Conservatives, especially conservative white men, are now the Jews in the Liberal's Nazi Germany. Liberals took a nation in an economic slump, that had been treated unfairly by the establishment, that was bitter, and directed their hate to a White Male Patriarchy. This patriarchy could not be seen or touched or experienced by anyone, but because white males occupy the top few economic spots for justifiable historical reasons, the notion of a patriarchy makes just enough sense to be a believable scapegoat. This White Male Patriarchy was made to seem oppressive, and controlled the establishment and history, even though in reality white males are attacked throughout history and are reviled by the liberal establishment. We're a large minority that are treated as a privileged class by our enemies, when in reality we are treated unfairly and this "privilege" is due mostly to wiser career choices.

Now all we need are work camps to make the Jews useful! I mean... Reeducation camps to contain conservative white males!

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