She wasted no time posting this about Muhammad Ali..

If you had facts, I might accept them. Willard Romney was spreading a message of peace while on his Mormon mission in France? Check your facts. He was in favor of the Vietnam War and encouraged others to join and fight. Peace for himself maybe. It’s not that he didn’t fight in the war. The problem is he wanted others to fight while he got deferments. His lottery number did not come up because by the time his 4 deferments were done, we were we were cutting troop levels in Vietnam. Yes this is just as much a draft dodger as someone who went to Canada. Hence, the coward. The problem is, we don’t have a draft and it’s those that are poor, in need of a job, or God bless them, those that feel it an Americans duty, i.e. Pat Tillman who paid the highest price, that end up fighting our wars for us. We should have a draft so those with money also have to fight for the freedoms they enjoy. Maybe the prospect of his kids or grandkids having to go to war would make him think twice about starting a war with Iran, as he said he would do, or anyone else. Oh, and Ali was only hailed as a hero by other draft dodgers, the war haters, and some in the sport or boxing industry. When you are in the military, you do what your superiors tell you to do. That is why Reagan did what he did. That is why some of those in the film industry did filming, some of those who were writers did writing, etc. You spout so many ex presidents didn’t fight in a war, but there’s only one who was eligible during a war to be drafted and avoided being drafted. His name is Willard Romney. One more thing. Thanks for letting us know that the only difference between Willard volunteering for his daddy and those of us who served in the military, is that we got paid. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that he could possibly have to go to war in that capacity. President Bush was given 8 years to screw this country up. He had 2 unpaid for wars and tax cuts for the rich that have cost us trillions of dollars. He let Wall Street run rampant and throw our country into a recession. He did this with a House and Senate that went along with him, to include the lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You though, only want to give President Obama 4 years to clean it up. Maybe you don’t understand, but it takes longer to build something than it does to tear it down. The one fault of President Obama was that he was too optimistic and thought an $800 billion stimulus was enough. He did want more but congress wouldn’t give it. Also, no one really understood how bad our country had been screwed up by Wall Street. Vote in the republicans and deregulate them again, you’ll get what you deserve but we will all pay for it. Don’t forget how the republican congress held our country hostage last year by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. Something that has been done every time it was needed except under President Obama. This cost our country billions of dollars and lowered our countries credit rating. Those who receive federal pensions, social security, active duty pay for the military, anyone counting on money for the government were all held hostage. But I’m sure you’ve forgiven them for that, or just decided to blame the democrats or President Obama. What, so only Mormons are dedicated to charity, family, and a higher power? So a majority of people on this earth are Mormons? Does that include every dead person the Mormons continue to baptize whether they were Mormons before they died? Yes all churches I’m sure have a time to meet. But, for example, in the Catholic Church, if someone wanted to go to church on Saturday night, or 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, or 11:30 on Sunday morning, they can. If they want to go to church by their home, across town, in another city, or even another state, they can. Any time they wanted! It may be a choice to donate or not, but tell me why we received call after call letting us know that our daughter needed to pay what she owed. This is after she had not lived here for quite some time and we told them over and over. You are the one that pointed out that he was such a good man for donating the money from his inheritance. I only stated that if I had the millions he had, I would have found it very easy to do the same. So, no, it’s not that big a deal. No it doesn’t make him any better than the next man as you seem to think. Yes, Anne pointed out that they lived somewhere that cost $62 per month. Point is, they lived off of the money from his stocks that, were not earned by him, but were given to him by his father before he went to France. He has made himself richer true, but he was born with a silver spoon that still protrudes from his mouth and he has passed on to each of his kids and grandkids. We’ve heard them speak for him during the campaign and most have had to come back later with an “oops”, “sorry”, or “my bad”. Well spoken. You want to build the man up so much that you don’t want to see reality. Nobody, not even democrats, whether you choose to believe it or not, have a problem with him having investments. The problem comes in when you put the money you earn in “blind trusts”, off shore accounts, and such, which, remember what he said in the 1990’s about “blind trusts”? In case you don’t, he said they were a “ruse”. Now he keeps his money there. Claims he doesn’t know what’s in them. Doesn’t pay taxes on everything he should. Doesn’t claim everything. How can anyone expect others to pay taxes when they don’t pay all of theirs? Or do they? That’s why we want to see his taxes. That’s why he won’t show them. Hence, until he proves otherwise, he’s a cheater. YOU PEOPLE have been shown the birth certificate of President Obama. You choose not to accept it. What are your reasons? Look at the certificate, and tell me exactly what it is that makes it fake.

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