Greta Thunberg tells 'View' hosts that climate activists must now go beyond 'legal methods'. As for herself, she will never spend a minute in jail.

It should be obvious how ridiculous of a statement I said? I literally said "forgive my ignorance".

When you come up with a better solution for the shit, and win a Nobel prize, then you can talk, but don't be shitty to people for spit balling ideas.

I also never said anything about any launch bring manned, and we launch bullshit past orbit pretty often. If we can put a rover safely on Mars, I don't really see why compacting plastics and sending em outta orbit is so ridiculous.

In 20 years when we start doing exactly what I said and launching non biodegradable bullshit they we've accumulated in the ocean and in landfills, to combat the negative consequences of polluting the earth, I hope you feel bad about your comment.

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