Nobody's perfect. Ye has apologized for the tweet and said he didn't mean "all Jews are bad," obviously. But the most important thing Ye has done is call out the CIA. No member of Congress will call them out. They are disgusting, weak. Only two artists in history have called out CIA: Tupac and Ye

we all know there is a jewish conspiracy. i commend Ye for bringing it to light for the masses. unfortunately the type of publicity this has gained and the verbage on behalf of YE is terrible for the cause. He has hardly come off as clear and direct when preaching his message and will only hurt the conversation by continuing to spew anti semetic rhetoric. There is a correct way to approach this issue and this is not it. Even tho a lot of us understand what he is trying to so we need to understand the masses are not as schooled on this subject and publicly it is looked down upon in the absolute worst way. Free Palestine fuck all alphabet agencies

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