My job is a time traveler from the year 2053. Ask me anything.

The events of the event that will result in the societal shift still is impacting my time in 2053. If it gets worse, we might have to go back in time to stop it from happening.

Most of the toothpaste big brands just replaced the controversial ingredients while remaining cheap to produce. Toothpaste is funny because its been used for so long but in the future we use a gel that we dip our finger in and gloss over our teeth once a day in the morning when we wake up. its so powerful. the big brands like crest and colgate have a gel but they arent as popular as "Nurtral". nurtral is a new brand not made yet

androids already exist in 2023 and have since a while. i am not good at history so much because the we just go through the job description for our task and do it. we dont really need much historical information. companies will try to get android machines to the marketplace like a maid or something but it doesnt do well. the big ones are nightclubs or stripclubs where the sex androids do their stuff. so fun.

what do you mean by taco bell? its just more junk. also meat is not really eaten anymore its all lab created meat now.

i mentioned the stripclubs with androids, and VR will be even bigger than it is now. Almost every household will have a vr headset device. i have one too. its to connect with others and stuff really nice experiences.

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