Guess the 2/3 of people born into poverty that die in it just don’t work hard enough

I believe that engaged and passionate people, who devoted their life to the development of IT and computers, made it possible for me to write words on a screen. One doesn't need capitalism to produce such people, because genuine passion (for any subject) goes beyond the mere incentive of getting dirty, filthy rich. Everyday there are millions of people who hone their skills in a subject they love, despite making no money from it.

I don't complain about life being hard, I complain about life becoming increasingly impossible for a large amount of people. People who may have a job, multiple jobs, or who would love to have a job, if just anybody would give them the chance. These people are doing whatever they can, yet find themselves struggling to get by. It's not about being salty because the neighbour has a better house than you. It's about honest, hardworking people who realize that 40 hours of weekly job does no longer cover basic living expenses.

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