Guy tried to U-turn from mid lane, totaled both our cars, mine having $10,000 already into payments and him wrecking his friends... (car and insurance under someone else's name)

Dude, you’re totally at fault, 100%, without a doubt. When I was watching your video with that horrible music, which I muted, the first I saw was that white car on the left coming at you pretty fast and then, almost immediately, there was that minivan or whatever it was, coming at you on the right. Now, if that were me driving, the first thing I’d do is lift my foot off the accelerator, aka the gas pedal, and possibly tap the brakes a little and perhaps slow down by at least 15mph. After that you’d let nature take its course, minivan turns around, or turns, left in front of you and the white car turns left the other way also in front of you.

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